Thursday, June 4, 2020

E-Book#2 - Jump Around

June 3rd, 2020

Okay, took the rest day because I felt I needed it. Did go for a walk on Tuesday to keep muscles warm and didn't laze around, but didn't push either. We also did take a family walk after dinner and before my workout so I'm definitely doing better about being lazy. :)

Was excited to use some of the equipment I had gotten for this workout - kettlebell, ab mat, and jump rope.

The stats:

Warm Up
3 rounds - 8:47
  • 15 jumping squats (mostly did jumping, did a couple progression due to knee pain)
  • 15 sit-ups
  • 15 shoulder taps (1 round on toes, 2 rounds on knees with core engaged)
dynamic stretches

Back Squats:
  • 20 reps @ warm up weight  (non weighted)
  • 4x8 (5lb dumbbells)

Metcon: "Jump Around"

15 min AMRAP
  • 100 single unders
  • 40 kettlebell swings (15lb)
  • 30 front rack lunges (non weighted; knee didn't touch floor)

  • 400m walk - 7:31
  • static stretches

This one was a bit mentally tough. The sit-ups looked so easy watching the videos but omg they were not. They took me forever and really got my HR going. Back squats were not bad. I obviously don't have heavy weights right now so I was really trying to get low and work on form.

Then we got to the Metcon. Um, this really tested my inner mean girl. I really struggled with the single unders. It had double unders listed and I knew that singles were going to be challenging for me and 100 seemed like SO MANY. I barely could get through 5 or 6 without getting caught up in my rope. I did get a string of like 20 towards the middle but it really messed with my confidence to have to keep fighting for so long to get the jump rope completed. Kettlebells were hard and I wasn't sure if my form was good, but it felt good to feel strong again. Then we got to lunges and I went to a dark place. I knew I wouldn't be able to get my knee to the ground and I was having pain in my left knee. I tried and almost fell over. I then tried the grass and holding on to the bench for additional support and just could barely get down. I started to beat myself up and question if I was kidding myself that I could do this. I then just decided to fake it until I made it. Go as low as I could, do the best I could and keep up the pace. Not dwell on every single lunge and I got through it. But given my frustration with the jump rope and lunges I had already blown through 10 minutes and only had 5 left and I really wanted to get through 2 rounds. After taking a minute to recover and drink some water, I shook off the negativity and was able to hype myself. I started the jump rope and the motion just clicked. I got 36 jumps in one go! I was pumped and just blew through it. I then had 2 minutes left and went at the kettlebells and just barely got them in. I didn't get through the lunges but I was proud of myself. I didn't let my inner mean girl win and that was a HUGE victory for me.

I was pretty wiped out so I just walked the 400m and wrapped up with stretches. It was a good workout and I'm proud of what I did and excited to keep pushing myself. Because you know what? I'm freaking strong. I deserve this.

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