Friday, June 12, 2020

E-Book #4 - "Hateful Eight"

June 8th, 2020
So E-book #4. I was really excited about this one but boy howdy it was tough. Felt good to push myself and Adam had a great idea that once I was done I could just jump in the pool with them - and it was a fantastic idea!

The stats:

Warm Up
For 3 minutes:
  • 30 sec single unders
  • 30 sec hold bottom squat
  • dynamic stretches

Strength: - 6:22
  • Bench Press 3 x10
  • Stand up rows (with bands) 3 x10
Skill Work:
  • 5 minutes practicing form/efficiencies
  • EMOM 8 - 8 box jumps (curb of patio in backyard)

Metcon: "Hateful Eight"

8 Minute AMRAP (got 4 rounds done - 15lb kettlebell)
  • 8 kettlebell deadlifts
  • 8 kettlebell cleans (left arm)
  • 8 kettlebell cleans (right arm)
  • 8 kettlebell push press (left)
  • 8 kettlebell push press (right)

20 minutes of yoga

It was super hot so the pool felt especially good. :) Feels good to see have Ayden watching me work out too. Motivates me a little more.

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