Thursday, June 4, 2020

Back at it - Ebook #1

June 1st, 2020

Started my 45 day E-book series today. Things didn't quite go as planned as I had intended to wake up early and knock it out. Ayden woke up unusually early (5:30) so that didn't happen. I was looking forward to my workout all day, so I decided I would do my workout after dinner/family time but before it got dark.

Let's start with some stats:

Warm Up:
  • 50 mountain climbers (mod to chair height)
  • 50 jumping jacks
  • 40 air squats (regular squats)
  • 30 high knees
  • 40 sec plank (broke into two segments, on toes)
  • 30 sec wall sit
  • dynamic stretches

Metcon: "The Tester" - Completed in 11:16

5 rounds for time
  • 5 burpees (Did 3 rounds of burpees getting to plank position, then modified to chair for last two rounds.)
  • 10 pushups (wall, ~18in away)
  • 15 air squats (Regular squats, not quite to parallel)

  • 400m run
  • static stretches

During the warm up I almost felt like giving up. I haven't gotten my heartrate that high that fast in a very long time. I kept telling that inner mean girl to shut up and kept pushing. I actually think the metcon was easier than the warm up but boy howdy it wasn't easy. It was also really hot and humid so that didn't help. During both the warmup and metcon, I kept thinking that there was no point in me doing it, I was barely able to breath and I wasn't even doing the "real" thing (since I was having to heavily mod things). But I just kept pushing. Kept telling myself that anything I was doing right now was more than before and I only can get better so to keep pushing myself to improve but not beat myself when I'm not 100%. Progress over perfection. Everyone starts somewhere and my effort is just as genuine.

Ultimately, I'm happy with how it went and proud of myself. Lots of room for improvement, but that only means that I have more opportunity.

Excited for Ebook #2!

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