Saturday, June 6, 2020

E-Book #3 - "Sprint-N-Twist"

June 6th, 2020

So today was 3rd E-Book and I was really psyched about it. It was some new stuff but also seemed like a manageable number of reps/work. HAHAHA, I should know better.

The stats:

Warm Up - 8:29
  • Thunderstruck burpees - do a burpee anytime Thunder or Thundestruck is said (mod to chair and step backs; half done with jumps)
  • dynamic stretches

Strength: - 2:36
Strict Press:
  • 20 reps @ warm up weight (boss body bar + one set of bands)
  • 5x5 (boss body bar + one set of bands)

Metcon: "Sprint-N-Twist"

4 rounds - 17:24
  • 200m run
  • 20 Medicine ball thrusts (8lb)
  • 20 Medicine ball Russian twists (8lb)

  • 5 min walk
  • static stretches

It was really hard, both due to still being sore from the last workout and then it was HOT. I started at 9:15 in the morning but it was already 85 and humidity was no joke. But I was much better and silencing the mean girl today and really rocked it out. I've been working out on our patio outside (although it's not covered) but Ayden (my 2 year old) can see me through the french doors. It was really cute to have him facing me trying to mimic the movements and really kept me going knowing he was watching. Being a good role model for him has given me new energy and I need to harness it when things get touch. Overall - happy with today and excited to keep going!

Being "strong" with Ayden after my workout

Rocking my Thunderstruck CVGs for this workout

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