Friday, June 12, 2020

E-Book #5 - "Gotta Earn It"

June 9th, 2020
Workout #5. It was the first time since I started this program I had back-to-back days of the e-book. I won't lie, I was pretty nervous. Also, it was 102 today and our AC barely could keep up so the idea of working outside had my genuinely concerned. I was able to make room to do everything inside so that helped a lot - but I also forgot to take pictures. :)

The stats:

Warm Up - 8:29
2 rounds (15 lbs):
  • 10 kettlebell swings
  • 10 goblet squats
  • 10 kettlebell deadlift

Strength: - 2:36
  • 100ft farmer carry x 4 (15 lb each hand)
  • 10 hollow rocks x 4
    Metcon: "Gotta Earn It"

    20 Minute AMRAP (4 rounds completed - 5lb)
    • 20 dumbbell snatches
    • 10 toes to bar (mod on floor, bringing to 90 deg)
    • 20 dumbbell front squats
    • 3 min walk
    • static stretches

    The toes to bar mod was rough enough, so can't imagine. The hollow rocks were also brutal. It was crazy feeling every muscle tense and still pushing through it. I was sweating like crazy even being inside in the air conditioning so I'm pretty sure I made the right decision. During the toes to bar sections I really felt like giving up, but I just broke it down to sets that were challenging but manageable and kept pushing. Really trying to not let the mean girl in my head. Felt good to push myself and try new things, I think that's why I'm enjoying this so much.

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