Friday, June 12, 2020

E-Book #6 - "Gimme Dat 6-Pack"

June 11th, 2020

I'm not going to lie - this one had me a little scared. The warm up alone was worrisome, honestly. Then, it's ab day and my abs were so sore from Tuesday. I just got a shipment from CVG on Wednesday and I really wanted to try out my shorts so I just tried to focus on that. :) I was really proud of myself for wearing them and not worrying about what I looked like. Definitely going to have to get some more!

The stats:

Warm Up - 10:45
  • 800m run with 6 lunges every 100m - ended up walking the last 200m since my knees were really starting to hurt
  • dynamic stretches

Strength: - 9:37
Front Squats (bar with bands)
  • 15 reps
  • 3x12

Good mornings (bar with bands)
  • 15 reps
  • 3x8

Metcon: "Gimme Dat 6-Pack"

15 Minute AMRAP (4 rounds)
  • 10 AbMat situps
  • 20 G2O. (used Firefly game)
  • 30 Jumping Lunges (ended up not doing lunges do knee pain and did stability holds - 20 sec each side x2)

  • 400m walk
  • static stretches
We  got a later start to our evening so I was really wanting to just skip today and swap my rest day. I was able to convince myself that I could do it and to at least give it a try. If I really couldn't push through, then take the rest. But once I started - no way I was going to do it again so I kept going and so glad I did. The good mornings were a little weird. I'm not used to having the bar on my back and I think it bruised me a little.  It was hard, I had to mod the lunges and I struggled with that but I'm happy with my decision. I knew my pain wasn't just discomfort and made the call to sub out the lunges but not because I just didn't like them. This was a huge deal for me since I think I've had hard time finding a balance between respecting my abilities, pushing myself, and really being smart to not injure myself and keep at this. It was hot today as you can see from my warm up picture, but it felt good to get out there and do it. 

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