Friday, June 12, 2020

E-Book #6 - "Gimme Dat 6-Pack"

June 11th, 2020

I'm not going to lie - this one had me a little scared. The warm up alone was worrisome, honestly. Then, it's ab day and my abs were so sore from Tuesday. I just got a shipment from CVG on Wednesday and I really wanted to try out my shorts so I just tried to focus on that. :) I was really proud of myself for wearing them and not worrying about what I looked like. Definitely going to have to get some more!

The stats:

Warm Up - 10:45
  • 800m run with 6 lunges every 100m - ended up walking the last 200m since my knees were really starting to hurt
  • dynamic stretches

Strength: - 9:37
Front Squats (bar with bands)
  • 15 reps
  • 3x12

Good mornings (bar with bands)
  • 15 reps
  • 3x8

Metcon: "Gimme Dat 6-Pack"

15 Minute AMRAP (4 rounds)
  • 10 AbMat situps
  • 20 G2O. (used Firefly game)
  • 30 Jumping Lunges (ended up not doing lunges do knee pain and did stability holds - 20 sec each side x2)

  • 400m walk
  • static stretches
We  got a later start to our evening so I was really wanting to just skip today and swap my rest day. I was able to convince myself that I could do it and to at least give it a try. If I really couldn't push through, then take the rest. But once I started - no way I was going to do it again so I kept going and so glad I did. The good mornings were a little weird. I'm not used to having the bar on my back and I think it bruised me a little.  It was hard, I had to mod the lunges and I struggled with that but I'm happy with my decision. I knew my pain wasn't just discomfort and made the call to sub out the lunges but not because I just didn't like them. This was a huge deal for me since I think I've had hard time finding a balance between respecting my abilities, pushing myself, and really being smart to not injure myself and keep at this. It was hot today as you can see from my warm up picture, but it felt good to get out there and do it. 

E-Book #5 - "Gotta Earn It"

June 9th, 2020
Workout #5. It was the first time since I started this program I had back-to-back days of the e-book. I won't lie, I was pretty nervous. Also, it was 102 today and our AC barely could keep up so the idea of working outside had my genuinely concerned. I was able to make room to do everything inside so that helped a lot - but I also forgot to take pictures. :)

The stats:

Warm Up - 8:29
2 rounds (15 lbs):
  • 10 kettlebell swings
  • 10 goblet squats
  • 10 kettlebell deadlift

Strength: - 2:36
  • 100ft farmer carry x 4 (15 lb each hand)
  • 10 hollow rocks x 4
    Metcon: "Gotta Earn It"

    20 Minute AMRAP (4 rounds completed - 5lb)
    • 20 dumbbell snatches
    • 10 toes to bar (mod on floor, bringing to 90 deg)
    • 20 dumbbell front squats
    • 3 min walk
    • static stretches

    The toes to bar mod was rough enough, so can't imagine. The hollow rocks were also brutal. It was crazy feeling every muscle tense and still pushing through it. I was sweating like crazy even being inside in the air conditioning so I'm pretty sure I made the right decision. During the toes to bar sections I really felt like giving up, but I just broke it down to sets that were challenging but manageable and kept pushing. Really trying to not let the mean girl in my head. Felt good to push myself and try new things, I think that's why I'm enjoying this so much.

    E-Book #4 - "Hateful Eight"

    June 8th, 2020
    So E-book #4. I was really excited about this one but boy howdy it was tough. Felt good to push myself and Adam had a great idea that once I was done I could just jump in the pool with them - and it was a fantastic idea!

    The stats:

    Warm Up
    For 3 minutes:
    • 30 sec single unders
    • 30 sec hold bottom squat
    • dynamic stretches

    Strength: - 6:22
    • Bench Press 3 x10
    • Stand up rows (with bands) 3 x10
    Skill Work:
    • 5 minutes practicing form/efficiencies
    • EMOM 8 - 8 box jumps (curb of patio in backyard)

    Metcon: "Hateful Eight"

    8 Minute AMRAP (got 4 rounds done - 15lb kettlebell)
    • 8 kettlebell deadlifts
    • 8 kettlebell cleans (left arm)
    • 8 kettlebell cleans (right arm)
    • 8 kettlebell push press (left)
    • 8 kettlebell push press (right)

    20 minutes of yoga

    It was super hot so the pool felt especially good. :) Feels good to see have Ayden watching me work out too. Motivates me a little more.

    Saturday, June 6, 2020

    E-Book #3 - "Sprint-N-Twist"

    June 6th, 2020

    So today was 3rd E-Book and I was really psyched about it. It was some new stuff but also seemed like a manageable number of reps/work. HAHAHA, I should know better.

    The stats:

    Warm Up - 8:29
    • Thunderstruck burpees - do a burpee anytime Thunder or Thundestruck is said (mod to chair and step backs; half done with jumps)
    • dynamic stretches

    Strength: - 2:36
    Strict Press:
    • 20 reps @ warm up weight (boss body bar + one set of bands)
    • 5x5 (boss body bar + one set of bands)

    Metcon: "Sprint-N-Twist"

    4 rounds - 17:24
    • 200m run
    • 20 Medicine ball thrusts (8lb)
    • 20 Medicine ball Russian twists (8lb)

    • 5 min walk
    • static stretches

    It was really hard, both due to still being sore from the last workout and then it was HOT. I started at 9:15 in the morning but it was already 85 and humidity was no joke. But I was much better and silencing the mean girl today and really rocked it out. I've been working out on our patio outside (although it's not covered) but Ayden (my 2 year old) can see me through the french doors. It was really cute to have him facing me trying to mimic the movements and really kept me going knowing he was watching. Being a good role model for him has given me new energy and I need to harness it when things get touch. Overall - happy with today and excited to keep going!

    Being "strong" with Ayden after my workout

    Rocking my Thunderstruck CVGs for this workout

    Thursday, June 4, 2020

    E-Book#2 - Jump Around

    June 3rd, 2020

    Okay, took the rest day because I felt I needed it. Did go for a walk on Tuesday to keep muscles warm and didn't laze around, but didn't push either. We also did take a family walk after dinner and before my workout so I'm definitely doing better about being lazy. :)

    Was excited to use some of the equipment I had gotten for this workout - kettlebell, ab mat, and jump rope.

    The stats:

    Warm Up
    3 rounds - 8:47
    • 15 jumping squats (mostly did jumping, did a couple progression due to knee pain)
    • 15 sit-ups
    • 15 shoulder taps (1 round on toes, 2 rounds on knees with core engaged)
    dynamic stretches

    Back Squats:
    • 20 reps @ warm up weight  (non weighted)
    • 4x8 (5lb dumbbells)

    Metcon: "Jump Around"

    15 min AMRAP
    • 100 single unders
    • 40 kettlebell swings (15lb)
    • 30 front rack lunges (non weighted; knee didn't touch floor)

    • 400m walk - 7:31
    • static stretches

    This one was a bit mentally tough. The sit-ups looked so easy watching the videos but omg they were not. They took me forever and really got my HR going. Back squats were not bad. I obviously don't have heavy weights right now so I was really trying to get low and work on form.

    Then we got to the Metcon. Um, this really tested my inner mean girl. I really struggled with the single unders. It had double unders listed and I knew that singles were going to be challenging for me and 100 seemed like SO MANY. I barely could get through 5 or 6 without getting caught up in my rope. I did get a string of like 20 towards the middle but it really messed with my confidence to have to keep fighting for so long to get the jump rope completed. Kettlebells were hard and I wasn't sure if my form was good, but it felt good to feel strong again. Then we got to lunges and I went to a dark place. I knew I wouldn't be able to get my knee to the ground and I was having pain in my left knee. I tried and almost fell over. I then tried the grass and holding on to the bench for additional support and just could barely get down. I started to beat myself up and question if I was kidding myself that I could do this. I then just decided to fake it until I made it. Go as low as I could, do the best I could and keep up the pace. Not dwell on every single lunge and I got through it. But given my frustration with the jump rope and lunges I had already blown through 10 minutes and only had 5 left and I really wanted to get through 2 rounds. After taking a minute to recover and drink some water, I shook off the negativity and was able to hype myself. I started the jump rope and the motion just clicked. I got 36 jumps in one go! I was pumped and just blew through it. I then had 2 minutes left and went at the kettlebells and just barely got them in. I didn't get through the lunges but I was proud of myself. I didn't let my inner mean girl win and that was a HUGE victory for me.

    I was pretty wiped out so I just walked the 400m and wrapped up with stretches. It was a good workout and I'm proud of what I did and excited to keep pushing myself. Because you know what? I'm freaking strong. I deserve this.

    Back at it - Ebook #1

    June 1st, 2020

    Started my 45 day E-book series today. Things didn't quite go as planned as I had intended to wake up early and knock it out. Ayden woke up unusually early (5:30) so that didn't happen. I was looking forward to my workout all day, so I decided I would do my workout after dinner/family time but before it got dark.

    Let's start with some stats:

    Warm Up:
    • 50 mountain climbers (mod to chair height)
    • 50 jumping jacks
    • 40 air squats (regular squats)
    • 30 high knees
    • 40 sec plank (broke into two segments, on toes)
    • 30 sec wall sit
    • dynamic stretches

    Metcon: "The Tester" - Completed in 11:16

    5 rounds for time
    • 5 burpees (Did 3 rounds of burpees getting to plank position, then modified to chair for last two rounds.)
    • 10 pushups (wall, ~18in away)
    • 15 air squats (Regular squats, not quite to parallel)

    • 400m run
    • static stretches

    During the warm up I almost felt like giving up. I haven't gotten my heartrate that high that fast in a very long time. I kept telling that inner mean girl to shut up and kept pushing. I actually think the metcon was easier than the warm up but boy howdy it wasn't easy. It was also really hot and humid so that didn't help. During both the warmup and metcon, I kept thinking that there was no point in me doing it, I was barely able to breath and I wasn't even doing the "real" thing (since I was having to heavily mod things). But I just kept pushing. Kept telling myself that anything I was doing right now was more than before and I only can get better so to keep pushing myself to improve but not beat myself when I'm not 100%. Progress over perfection. Everyone starts somewhere and my effort is just as genuine.

    Ultimately, I'm happy with how it went and proud of myself. Lots of room for improvement, but that only means that I have more opportunity.

    Excited for Ebook #2!