Thursday, May 28, 2020

Finding My Fit

About to embark on my first journey again. I've given this a shot several times but the last year is the most consistent I've been with building exercise into my routine and learning to prioritize time for my own health and happiness. This may not be the first time, but I think it's going to be important for me to document my progress and record my victories and struggles so that I can have something beyond the scale and body measurements to see my progress.

I found this group because I needed some new exercise clothes and it has been the most inspiring group of women I have ever seen. It's all about lifting each other up and being our best with no judgement. I pushed myself outside my comfort zone on Memorial day by performing a modified 1/3 MURPH and it felt amazing. I realized I haven't enjoyed exercising that much in a VERY long time. That's when I realized enough was enough and I'm pulling the trigger.

So, here. we. go.

Starting Monday, June 1st, I'm going to be embarking on the TTSL (Thick Thighs Save Lives) e-book training plan. I'm doing the 45 day plan and I'm hoping that using the active recovery days for running and doing body exercises/weights will help make me more fit in general and improve my running efforts too. With Disney's Wine and Dine half-marathon weekend still on (for now), I want to keep moving forward. My training plan is support to start June 29th but I might have to modify that slightly based on when I finish the TTSL calendar. My plan is to start documenting my workouts, progress, and just general thoughts on this journey.

I'm over making excuses and am ready to push myself outside my comfort zone, so I'm really excited to try new things, improve my fitness, maybe lose some inches/weight, and start sweating!